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Project partners

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Asociación Cultural Integra (Project promoter)

Integra is a company operating in A Coruña (North Spain) and founded by young entrepreneurs in 2004 with the aim of promoting European Mobility through cultural and transnational mobility projects.

The activity of the company is to help youngs who want to develop a work placement abroad, to improve their language and professional skills, to expand their employability and encourage new initiatives in our community.

Also, we target those European youngs who are interested in a professional experience in Galicia and A Coruña city, and local business wishing to nourish these fellows through our services.

Our experience in the field of transnational mobility includes:

– Enhance the skills and competences of participants through continuing professional education and by promoting quality improvement and innovation transfer.

– Assist the improvement of competitiveness of existing human resources.

– Encourage learning of modern languages and new ways of work.

– To promote integration, cohesion within Europe and Cultural Interaction through International mobility programs, for both companies and individuals, or trainees.

Since 2007 Integra has been the promoter/coordinator and partner of more of than 100 long life learning programmes, different European Social Fund Projects, more than 15 European Voluntary Services projects and we have been working as a core partner in different Erasmus+ partnerships and Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund projects (AMIF).

Integra has collaborated in more than 20 Youth in Action Programmes since its creation in 2004.

Agenzia per la Mobilità Internazionale

“The Age.Mob is an organization that supports high schools, universities, public bodies and various organizations that intend to implement international cultural and educational exchange programs for students and to promote international study and work mobility of EU citizens and people from the rest of the world.

Our task is to promote international mobility of students, apprentices, employed and unemployed workers and also entrepreneurs with the purpose of increasing professional and linguistic skills and increasing integration into the global labour market.

Our goals are:

– to offer the opportunity of international mobility

– to plan (in collaboration with other institutions and organizations) a mobility experience for higher professional training and for the entrance into the labour market

– to encourage schools and other institutions to participate in various calls for proposals and projects

– to introduce the European dimension into youth policies and to encourage an attitude of mobility and multicultural awareness in young people

An experience abroad is always an enrichment; especially if this becomes an experience: of life, of work, of culture, of relationships, of fun.

Our common goal is to train our young people giving them the best opportunities, either in terms of “knowing how to do” or in terms of “knowing how to be”, knowing how to be proactive, creative, communicative, collaborative, enthusiastic, or “healthy bearers” of soft skills.

Such an experience is an all-round training and that allows our young people to grow as European citizens and to be able to get the opportunities offered by Europe.

Ayuntamiento de Lora del Rio

The Lora del Río Town Hall is a local public entity that governs over the local authority of this Sevillian municipality, of just over 293 square kilometres.

Located in the province of Seville, it governs over a population of 19,000 inhabitants.

This local entity is politically constituted by 17 councillors from different political groups. In the government there are different areas of development, which include the more than one hundred officials and employees that this council has in its different portfolios (Culture, Urbanism, Agriculture and Development, Social services and Sport, Women and Youth, Services and Environment, Citizen Participation and Communication).

Simultaneously to each of these areas, the city council participates in the Regional Society La Aceña, from where it has experience in European issues. The main objective of the Society is to promote and enhance the endogenous, integrated and sustained development of the Vega Alta region of Seville. To achieve this objective, the company has three main areas of activity: economic promotion, training and communication.


The new Institute I.I.S. IPSIA “G. Marconi” Cosenza – LS and ITE “A. Guarasci” Rogliano (Cs), was born from the merging of three educational institutions Ipsia Marconi of Cosenza, the Liceo Scientifico and the Istituto Tecnico Economico Guarasci of Rogliano (CS) in Calabria in southern Italy, following the sizing plan implemented by the Calabria Region on the basis of Law 15/03/1997, n. 59 .

The final outcome leads to the training of professional figures in different fields (mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical-biological, economic). The School aims to train young people who have a flexible mentality, knowledge and skills appropriate to the demands of the world of work and are able to interpret the rapid changes and constant variations. In order to improve the quality of the training offer and make the professional skills to be acquired more up-to-date and expendable, the Institute pursues a policy of active collaboration with leading companies in the professionalisation sectors, through alternating school-work paths, reshaping the contents and timing of the learning paths and making them more flexible to the real needs of the labour market.

The students enrolled at IIS Marconi Guarasci Cosenza -LS Ite Rogliano in the School Year 2019/2020 are 730. Those with non-Italian citizenship make up about 5% of the entire school population, distributed in the three plexuses, with a greater presence in the evening course of the vocational school. There are small groups of students who live in family homes, young people of Roma ethnicity, but now sedentary in the city of Cosenza. These students represent an opportunity for the growth of the school.

IIS Marconi Guarasci Cosenza – LS Ite Rogliano has wide experience in the Erasmus + 2014-2020 programme and in the National Operational Programme (NOP) of Miur, entitled “For School – skills and learning environments” 2014-2020 and has collaborated with schools and companies from Spain, Germany, UK, Sweden, Portugal for a period of 33 days in companies related to their school profile. The Erasmus + projects involved students in precarious economic conditions, minors from third countries present in the territories of the project partner schools.


The Institute of Higher Education “De Filippis – Prestia” was born in the a.s. 2013 – 14 following the school sizing operations implemented by the Calabria Region.

It includes the Professional Institute for Commercial and Social-Sanitary Services and the Professional Institute for Industry, Handicraft and Made in Italy, two schools that, in their respective sectors, have always trained highly professional technicians to be included in the productive activities of the territory.

Both institutes boast glorious traditions which, in the case of “Prestia”, date back to 1886, while “De Filippis” was born in 1960. The two Institutes, attended by students coming from all over the province, have always been characterized by having combined the theoretical study of the disciplines with a significant laboratory activity, combining knowledge and know-how.

The socio-cultural environment of origin of the students is quite heterogeneous. Many students come from a medium or medium-low socio-cultural environment.

Currently, the IIS “De Filippis-Prestia” plays some very important roles in the provincial and regional school context, promoting synergic training opportunities with other educational institutions and with external subjects that can contribute to enrich and qualify the training offer.

IIS De Filippis Prestia has experience in the Erasmus + 2014-2020 programme and in the National Operational Programme (NOP) of Miur, entitled “For School – skills and learning environments” 2014-2020.

Schulhaus Europa

Schulhaus Europa e.V. is a party politically and denominationally neutral non-profit organisation in Leipzig, founded in 2017. The founding members are a group of entrepreneurs and teachers dedicated to the challenges of education and integration within Europe.

Our main objectives are cultural and vocational education, including the support of students, and especially the promotion of a unified educational system in Europe.

We seek to acquire social and civic competence, knowledge, understanding and respect for fundamental rights, strengthening mutual respect and intercultural dialogue as well as combating discrimination.

Schulhaus Europa particularly contributes to improving the situation of refugees living in Leipzig.

The goals of our non-profit organisation are realized especially through Erasmus Plus VET projects. As a host and intermediary organization, we take care of foreign students and trainees who are completing internships abroad in Leipzig.

As a sending organisation in Erasmus Plus projects, we realize foreign mobilities with vocational schools and training companies. As Project Coordinator, we take care of the linguistic and cultural preparation of the trainees, the implementation of mobilities, documentation and issuing of certificates such as the Europass, as well as the follow-up of the stays abroad.

Asociación Amigos de Europa Leonardo da Vinci

We are a private, non-profit environmental organization whose purpose is to promote awareness of a Europe of the people, based on training and knowledge of other cultures, as well as the promotion of activities in line with the conservation of nature and the promotion of sustainable development. AELV was founded in 1998 by beneficiaries of the Leonardo da Vinci programme.

Since its foundation in 1998, AELV has been improving its management system in mobility programmes, both in sending and hosting programmes, participating in conferences and seminars as an example of good management and quality in mobility programmes.

AELV has been committed to the improvement of human resources, increasing skills and professional experiences, in order to prepare young people to face a job in different business fields and to encourage their cultural and personal development.

It is recognised that work experience is a key to entry into the labour market, because at the moment preparation does not end when we finish our studies but we have to adapt to the continuous processes of change resulting from a global economy and technological innovations. A transnational practical training provides a valuable opportunity for your personal development, equipping you to adapt to new changes and needs of companies

Comune di Bovalino

Bovalino is an Italian town in the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria in Calabria. Bovalino overlooks the Ionian coast and is one of the many points of reference for tourists who choose Calabria. Besides Bovalino Marina there is Bovalino Superiore, at a height of about 200 metres above sea level, an ancient village which presents the historical-architectural evidence of its origins.

According to I DATI Ista the resident population on January 1, 2019 is equal to 8943 units. As far as the foreign community is concerned, as of 1 January 2019, 687 foreigners were registered in Bovalino, representing 7.7% of the resident population. The largest community is that coming from India, with 35.5% of all foreigners present on the territory (244 units), followed by Romania with 126 individuals (18.3%), Ukraine with 75 individuals (10.9%) and Morocco with 62 individuals (9.02%).

Bovalino is a town with a commercial, tourist and cultural vocation. Of particular importance is summer seaside tourism, which attracts tourists from neighbouring countries.

The period of greatest economic development of Bovalino took place after the Second World War, when, between the Sixties and Seventies, due to the construction of the SS 106 Ionian Road, many families of merchants from Campania settled in the town and established their commercial activities in Bovalino, some of which still exist today. In the area there were also the first industrial realities: three sansifici, a paper mill, a woodworking industry, as well as three hotels and bathing establishments. Today Bovalino’s economy is based on local commercial and accommodation facilities, such as the two large shopping centres, which attract many people from many nearby towns, while the numerous bathing beaches also contribute significantly to the town’s economy.

Bovalino is connected to the Ionian Railway, started in 1865, which runs from Taranto (Puglia Southern Region of Southern Italy) to Reggio Calabria: the section that passes through the town was inaugurated on 1 February 1871 and connected Bianco to Roccella Jonica. In addition, the SS 106 Ionian Road, which crosses the territory of Bovalinese, has greatly contributed to the economic development of the town in past years.

Comune di Benestare

Benestare is an Italian town in the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, Calabria. It is located a few kilometers from the Jonian coast of Locride, a few kilometers from Aspromonte. The name probably derives from the beautiful geographical position, already Buonostare, was a feud of the Duke of Bovalino. In 1803 it became an autonomous municipality.

Its fractions are: Ammendolara, Ancone, Armerà, Belloro, Bosco, Bruca, Canale, Cullaro, Drafà, Esopo, Fego, Ientile, Martilli, Meta, Nasida , Pignataro, Piraino, Ricciolio, Rodia, Russellina, S.Giovanni, Scarparina, Varraro, Zopà.

The resident population at 01/01/2019 according to ISTAT data is composed of 2533 units.

The Municipal Administration is attentive to the needs of migrants seeking international protection / in particular those of unaccompanied foreign minors. In fact, the Municipality of Benestare is in the SIPROIMI Network the Protection System for holders of international protection and for unaccompanied foreign minors. The body is the owner of a reception project that offers reception and integration to 28 MSNA with the support of the Third Sector Associations. It guarantees integrated reception, board and lodging, providing complementary measures of information, accompaniment, assistance and guidance, through the construction of individual paths of socio-economic integration.

Access to the System today is reserved to holders of international protection and all unaccompanied foreign minors. In addition, the new regulatory provision provides that holders of residence permits for: victims of violence or trafficking, victims of domestic violence, health reasons, victims of labour exploitation, disasters, acts of particular civil value can also access the integrated reception services of SIPROIMI.

In Italy, the implementation of SIPROIMI projects spread throughout the national territory, conceived and implemented with the direct participation of local actors – contributes to building and strengthening a culture of welcome in the city communities and promotes the continuity of the socio-economic integration paths of the beneficiaries.

Stitching Amsterdam European Mobility

Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility, located in Amsterdam began its activity in 2012. The main purpose of the association is encouraging a communitarian spirit and integration and supporting the knowledge of the European culture especially between young people, and generally between all European citizens.

Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility is involved in Asylum, Migration and Integration policy from 2014. Adam.mob operate at local, regional and european level with the purpose to share, experiment and transfer service models for the migrant and education sector. One of the Adammob priority goal is promove intercultural dialogue activites in EU.

Adam.mob large UE and local partnership will help to the disseminate in a direct and indirect level.

One of our main goal is organize multicultural events, workshops and training courses which offer to young people the chance to grow up thanks to social and work experiences abroad. The main purpose of these actions is increasing theirs awareness and theirs potential.

Mobility within and migration into Europe has increased the importance of young people having an appreciation and positive approach to cultural diversity. Active citizenship is an important tool to participate in a vibrant society and to ensure there is a platform through which to value cultural diversity.

Asociacion Cardjin

The Association Cardijn was born in Cadiz in 1993 with the objective of working for the most disadvantaged sectors, having as preferential groups of action the young people of popular environments and the immigrants. The aims of the entity are:

– The integral promotion of all the people coming from working and popular environments.

– The attention, information, orientation, formation and promotion of youth, especially those coming from popular and working class neighborhoods and centers.

– The attention, information, orientation, advice, reception, formation and promotion of the migrant people – immigrants and emigrants – and especially those in situation of greater vulnerability.

– The information, orientation, training and labor and professional promotion, as well as the help to the search of employment of both national and foreign people.

Collaborate with the different public or private administrations that intervene or are interested in the same aims indicated.

Azienda Ospedaliera – Universitaria Anna Meyer

The university hospital “Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer” (AOU Meyer) is a public hospital structure with autonomous management from the point of view of business development, organization, administration, patrimony, accounting and technique.

The AOU Meyer is part of the national health system, within the division of the region of Tuscany. It is integrated with the University [of Florence] with which it carries out assistance, teaching and research.

The hospital is renowned for its diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of young patients, who may be admitted until age 18 (after which plans are made for continued care elsewhere).

The AOU Meyer is a highly specialized paediatric hospital and is the national reference center for complex cases. It has 247 general medicine beds and all the areas of paediatric medicine and surgery are available.

High assistance levels are reached through modern technology, research and new therapies mixed with humanity and services for young patients and their families.

For Meyer, clinical and assistance-based problems are treated as opportunities to grow and develop, and as a chance to guarantee the hospital a leadership role in the future of modern pediatrics. Meyer promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through a non-traditional approach that safeguards the most promising projects and increases the impact of research results when applied as real-life medical innovations.