Work package 3 | Staff events and blended mobility
Main goal: To exchange best practices and know-how thought real encounters, visits, group discussions and workshops among professionals in each partners’ nation.
WP 3 – Leading organisation: AdamMob
Start month: 6
End month: 15
By delivering 4 staff training events and blended mobility to professionals in each partners’ nations we guarantee the exchange of best practices and know-how thought real encounters, visits, group discussions and workshops among European experts who deals with the topic. It is not possible to guarantee a full exchange of best practices without attending real contexts or real interaction with those stakeholders providing the best practice. Also, these training events in each partner country are aimed at the creation of an EU pool of experts on the topic which may help partners in delivering the European observatory and the Memorandum of Understanding included in WP5.
Indicators for measuring the progress of achievement will be: to select participants according to proposal timeline; nations to provide a complete agenda linked to the topic for the 5 working days these training events will last; number of contacts at local and EU level related to the topic; number of best practices delivered in each partner country. Beneficiaries will be directly involved in the identification of those best practices to be included in a final Tool-kit/handbook (WP4). These training activities and exchange of best practices may have a short-term and medium-term effect of and the action outputs.
Participants target group: 24 beneficiaries in each training event (96 at EU level) working or linked to the unaccompanied minors’ topic in partner nations who have attended the on-line training course.